There are no plot spoilers, you’re safe here, you’ll just see my general opinion and feeling towards it, in a vague way…the review with spoilers will come out in a few days.
Logan, the long awaited X-Men film…oddly enough doesn’t really feel like an X-Men film. It fits well into the universe it just doesn’t have that X-Men-y feel, but in a good way, it’s called Logan, it is a standalone film, it is not Wolverine, if you want Wolverine, this is not what you’re going to get.
As a film, this is pretty well-crafted despite the fact there is no main plot that flows throughout the film, in fact there are several, mainly sub plots, but it’s more of an overview about the lives of Logan, the not-so-Wolverine-anymore, in the year 2029 with Professor Charles Xavier, Caliban and Laura (X-23).
Warning: There’s a lot of violence in this movie, not like every minute but there is quite a bit, intense violence so if you can’t handle it don’t watch it. It’s a lot more more than any of the X-Men films, quite possibly the most violent of them all.